Pydio Cells start issue ( permissions issues )

For first post, please answer the questions below!

Describe your issue in detail

Greetings friends, I have been using Cells for a while now, but recently I have just updated to the latest, and the next day when I tried opening Cells using a browser, it was not working I tried reinstalling Cells, and Maria db but no luck.

What version of Cells are you using?

Cells version v4.4.1

What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

Fedora workstation 39, Mariadb 10.5.23, Tried on Chrome and Firefox latest versions

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I tried moving /var/lib/cells to some other folder and reinstalling mariadb, but nothing changed, finally, I moved /var/cells/data in case I could reaccess my data, and I created pydio user and a database, after that I executed cells configure but after the last step on browser, the log shows the same error that I was facing from the start, here is the log

2024-05-21T16:43:50.340+0300    INFO   Successfully retrieved first object from bucket pydiods1 (13.346462ms)
2024-05-21T16:43:50.358+0300    INFO   Successfully retrieved first object from bucket personal (30.305177ms)
2024-05-21T16:43:50.369+0300    INFO  Successfully retrieved first object from bucket cellsdata (40.657741ms)
2024-05-21T16:43:50.370+0300    INFO   Successfully retrieved first object from bucket versions (53.697267ms)
[ERROR] Cannot find an available index for writing, entries will be logged in memory
[ERROR] This should not happen and may indicate a missing MaxConcurrency=1 on the Truncate Logs flow.
[ERROR] Make sure to fix it and restart if necessary.
^C2024-05-21T16:50:16.727+0300  INFO      Exiting on signal: INTERRUPT

2024-05-21T16:50:16.727+0300    INFO  Exiting on signal: INTERRUPT
2024-05-21T16:50:16.726+0300    INFO  Stopping minio stale data cleaner routine
[ERROR] Cannot find an available index for writing, entries will be logged in memory
[ERROR] This should not happen and may indicate a missing MaxConcurrency=1 on the Truncate Logs flow.
[ERROR] Make sure to fix it and restart if necessary.
[ERROR] Cannot find an available index for writing, entries will be logged in memory
[ERROR] This should not happen and may indicate a missing MaxConcurrency=1 on the Truncate Logs flow.
[ERROR] Make sure to fix it and restart if necessary.```

Thank you for the support

hello @Amanuel_Elhanan
Thanks for posting
This is probably not linked to the very last update. What version were you coming from ?
Try the command “./cells admin clean reset-jobs” to fix the truncate logs flow.

Hello @charles thank you for replying
I updated from v4.4.0

after executing cells admin clean reset-jobs , I tried all 9 options one by one but the error is still there

Hi @Amanuel_Elhanan

Was it in Cells Enterprise then go back to community version? Because Truncate Logs is an enterprise jobs

Use boltdb browser/boltdb tools to edit CELL_WORKING_DIR/services/ then delete the enterprise jobs

Don’t forget to stop cells, take a backup of this file before editing

For example

@c12simple Thank you for replying

Was it in Cells Enterprise then go back to the community version? Because Truncate Logs is an enterprise job

No. I used the Pydio Cells home version and then updated it to the latest version.
The tools you have suggested are a bit outdated and didn’t work for me on Fedora, the OS I am using currently.
Is it possible just to remove the whole /var/cells directory and execute cells configure?

Let’s try this repo: GitHub - evnix/boltdbweb: A web based GUI for BoltDB files

Hello @c12simple
thanks again, but I couldn’t download the binary you have shared, I couldn’t download the file since I don’t know the language


Please inbox me your email

just to confirm, can I get my data back after I try this process?

still it is not opening on browser

Hello @c12simple
I download the jobs.db file on another PC and opened it with Kwrite, this is what the content looks like, can I edit it like this and bring the file back to /var/cells...?


  • Stop cells & make a backup of /var/cells/services/
  • Don’t open it with port < 1024 otherwise, you’ll have problem with permission.
  • Firewall settings?!
  • For example: boltdbweb --db-name=/var/cells/services/ --port=8888

No, please use boltdb browser

1 Like

Hello @c12simple thank you for taking time, now I opened jobs.db through the tool you have suggested, how do I delete enterprise jobs as you suggested? (Although I didn’t have installed or used Pydio Cells Enterprise version)

select Buckets > jobs > search for Truncate Logs => delete this entry

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Couldn’t find Truncate Logs

Hello @c12simple @charles
I think its better to remove Pydio Cells and re install it again, I don’t think this issue is solvable right now, what do you suggest?

I just removed a database called cells and executed cells configure after that I started cells with /opt/pydio/bin/cells start it works fine like this but when I start cells.service I am getting the same error, I don’t know why:

May 23 16:06:26 fedora cells[9049]: [ERROR] Cannot find an available index for writing, entries will be logged in memory
May 23 16:06:26 fedora cells[9049]: [ERROR] This should not happen and may indicate a missing MaxConcurrency=1 on the Truncate Logs flow.
May 23 16:06:26 fedora cells[9049]: [ERROR] Make sure to fix it and restart if necessary.
May 23 16:06:26 fedora cells[9049]: Error: open /var/cells/certs/71be40caf0dbffc7f6fbd48c5fd3eabb.pem: permission deniedopen /var/cells/certs/71be40caf0dbffc7f6fbd48c>
May 23 16:06:26 fedora systemd[1]: cells.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

I changed Group and User to root instead of Pydio and it works now, although it is not recommended running things with root user

Hello @Amanuel_Elhanan

Running cells as root is certainly not a good path to go !

By removing the Mysql DB, you just partially cleaned the install. Many additional data (including the jobs db) is located under /var/cells/, so if you wish to re-install from scratch, you should better

  • clean cells DB
  • and remove contents of /var/cells : warning this will actually clear all existing data (your files)
    is this what you want to do?


Hello @charles
Thank you for taking the time and support
After multiple retrial, I couldn’t get a solution for the original issue I was facing, which was:

2024-05-21T16:50:16.727+0300    INFO  Exiting on signal: INTERRUPT
2024-05-21T16:50:16.726+0300    INFO  Stopping minio stale data cleaner routine
[ERROR] Cannot find an available index for writing, entries will be logged in memory
[ERROR] This should not happen and may indicate a missing MaxConcurrency=1 on the Truncate Logs flow.
[ERROR] Make sure to fix it and restart if necessary.
[ERROR] Cannot find an available index for writing, entries will be logged in memory
[ERROR] This should not happen and may indicate a missing MaxConcurrency=1 on the Truncate Logs flow.
[ERROR] Make sure to fix it and restart if necessary.

Therefore I did this yesterday, I cleaned and removed cells DB. I copied /var/lib/cells and /var/cells files before I executed cells configure to start the configuration again. It still didn’t work, but after I changed User and Group entries in cells.service from a user called Pydio to root, the service started normal and Cells became a new instance.

I couldn’t understand why since I am new to Pydio Cells, but although it now runs the service with a root user, I want to know why it is only working with a root user.


Please try to delete /var/cells/services/, then start or install cells again