Backup/ export actual data (not datastore)

Hello everyone,

I’d like to export files/ folders from Pydio in a human readable format, i.e maintain files and folder structure and names. Would like to perform this operation on a periodic basis, just for safekeeping my files/ folders, perhaps on an offline disk.

I know we can backup the datastore, that gives us the ability to restore. However, is there a way to export the entire repository (for each user individually or as a whole)?

Thanks so much!


I’d like to export files/ folders from Pydio in a human readable format, i.e maintain files and folder structure and names. Would like to perform this operation on a periodic basis, just for safekeeping my files/ folders, perhaps on an offline disk.

You have 2 paths for this:

  • the easiest: choose “structured” datasource when you create them, so that the tree structure is kept on the disk and you can easily directly copy the real folder from your hard drive → this has yet some impact on performances if you have a large number of files (this is the legacy format)
  • If you use the “flat” format, we have a tool “Cells fuse” that can be used to temporary mount a folder “as if” it was a normal network disk. You can then simply copy the files and folder.

I know we can backup the datastore, that gives us the ability to restore. However, is there a way to export the entire repository (for each user individually or as a whole)?

Not sure to completely understand your question, but if you have a vanilla setup, a.k.a:

  • single node
  • everything is stored in the Working dir (e.g: /var/cells and you haven’t defined datasources out of this),
  • you don’t use MongoDB

Doing a backup is quite easy, the simple / safest way is to:

  • stop the app
  • copy the working dir
  • dump the Cells DB

You can then remount the system completely somewhere else.
If your setup is more complex, so will your backup procedure be.

@bsinou - this is very helpful. Thank you.

I do have a follow-up question. I am running pydio cells in docker. The datasource snapshot command doesn’t complete and remains stuck forever:

user@server:~$ docker exec -it <container name> /bin/sh
/var/cells # cells version
Pydio Cells Home Edition
 Version: 	4.3.1
 Built: 	14 Nov 23 15:51 +0000
 Git commit: 	baadf3991943966426031ad21768691327333fac
 OS/Arch: 	linux/amd64
 Go version: 	go1.21.4
/var/cells # cells admin datasource snapshot --datasource=personal --operation=dump --basename=snapshot.db
Trigger snapshot generation for personal inside snapshot.db
/var/cells # 

I can however, manually trigger the snapshot successfully via scheduler.

What could I be doing wrong? Please help.

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