How do I collect a list of group and user ids at the root level of my Groups and Users tree using API v2?
We have a pydio 8 server at
thiswebsite . com
My admins have given me a sub-site at
thiswebsite . com/mysite
I am able to use the v2 API for just about everything, so:
thiswebsite . com/mysite/api/v2/people/myid
Will properly generate details for my own user account.
Additionally this url:
thiswebsite . com/mysite/api/v2/people/my_group
Will show me the details for my_group as well as all of the users and rights of those users
I cannot figure out how to make the API query the root of my Users and Group structure. Using either of these URLs:
thiswebsite . com/mysite/api/v2/people/
thiswebsite . com/mysite/api/v2/people
Generates a response of:
Could not find workspace with id/alias v2
I want to use the API to
- Starting at the root of Users and Groups, generate a list of all users and the Groups they are in
- Generate a list of all workspaces those users have access to, plus the ACL they have for that group
Any direction on how to target the root of Users and Groups?