User time out when uploading files as a SSO user, not a local user

For first post, please answer the questions below!

Describe your issue in detail

When I login with a local pydio user I can upload any amount of files without a timeout occurring : tested with 10x 5GB files. No issue so far.
When I login with a Google Single Sign on pydio user I can upload any amount of files but a timeout occurs after minutes failing or not completing the upload : tested with 10x 5GB files.
When I login with a GitHubSingle Sign on pydio user I can upload any amount of files but a timeout occurs after minutes failing or not completing the upload : tested with 10x 5GB files. (Same issue as with Google)

Issue seem to be related to the SSO user, not the local

What version of Cells are you using?

Cells Enterprise 4.3.6

What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

Ubuntu 22.04, browser is chrome

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

Placed Pydio behind an nginx reverse proxy, no change in behavior.
Changed the timeout in the fron-end client in the Pydio plugin settings to 0
Checked NTP on the servers and made sure it’s running and sync’ed


Could you please execute following command

./cells-enterprise admin config set "pydio.web.oauth" "staticClients[0]/audience[0]" ""

Replace by your FQDN

Then restart cells

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Thank you so much. That worked like a charm…

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