I noticed that all files larger than 60 KB get in error.
It seems that the problem appeared after the change from pydio 7.0.4 to 8.2.5 but I am not sure.
They are the params that should be changed. (use 256M format for better ). post_max_size and upload_max_filesize should have the same value
Make sure that you are modified in the right php.ini. You can create a phpinfo() file in the root of pydio then brow it. You can see the correct absoluted path of php.ini
After changing php.ini, please restart apache
Set to empty Pydio >> Setting >> Upload >> Upload filesize then click “Save”
Thank you for your prompt answer.
You where right in checkin the correct path for the ini.php witch was /etc/php5/cli/php.ini => /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini are exactly the same.
I corrected the values:
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 512M
upload_max_filesize = 512M
I tried 0 or empty for Pydio >> Setting >> Upload >> Upload filesize
But still on error.
I was wondering why tiny files can be uploaded. Curious
It seems that PHP can’t handle the error.
May be an upgrade from actual PHP 5.6.40 to 7.2 can bring more informations about the error?
Is there a procedure to upgrade ? (may be remove previous PHP or something else?)
It seems that the problem comes from the version of the SMB protocol.
on Pydio 7.0.4 it was possible to specify the version of the SMB protocol to be used by smbclient in the configuration of the Samba driver.
The problem on the last version of Pydio 8 (8.2.5) the field where it was possible to enter arguments to the smbclient disappeared.
I tried to configure smb.conf (by adding max protocol=SMB2) but there is no effect. It seems Pydio really needs the entiere command line in it’s config.
So question is how can we add SMB2 argument in Pydio 8.2.5 ?