Small UX remark

Hello there,

As user experience is certainly an important aspect in a project as ambitious as Pydio, allow me to share here a little remark I think might be of interest to the development team.

One fundamental element in UX is to keep a coherent location for user accessible controls. I did notice that, after selecting “Cells Console” from the top left menu as a system administrator, this very menu gets moved to the top right of the window.

Even though the menu icon is still the same, as well as it’s content except for the “Go back to main page” entry, the displacement of this menu, although far from problematic, is confusing for the user that has to integrate the concept that it is, indeed, the exact same menu (s)he used to access from the top left a moment ago…

Furthermore, since the “Cells console” action is one of the few ones that radically changes the whole main panel / side bar contents, accessing the “Go back to main page” functionality would seem much more natural to reach from the same location [menu] (s)he had just activated.

Hope this might be of interest to the development / UX team out there :wink:

Best regards

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I totally agree with you! The non-Cells version of Pydio is more consistent in that regard…