I’ve searched the forums and found references to a method of resyncing folders and I’d like to trigger this via Node-Red. However, all the references are from 2019/2020, and the api has changed. I’ve worked out how to call the rest api using node-red.
Logging into Pydio Cells using an admin account and accessing the Cells Console then showing advanced options, I can view the scheduler and see the manual tasks, which can be launched from this console:
I can trigger these commands via the command line:
/srv/pydio$ docker exec pydio-cells cells admin datasource resync --datasource=pydiods1
Resync Triggered.
Result: {"Source":"s3://","Target":"index://pydiods1","Type":"TreePatch"}
⚠ If result contains newly created files, you should now launch 'cells admin datasource rehash' command.
/srv/pydio$ docker exec pydio-cells cells admin datasource rehash --datasource=pydiods1 --username=admin
✔ [SUCCESS] Posted job for recomputing hashes on all files. You can monitor the job in the scheduler.
✔ [SUCCESS] Datasource hashing_version will be updated if necessary, you may restart the server if value is changed.
Which pydio 3.0 service method should I use to trigger the resync and optionally the rehash?