Hi there
I propose to provide Pydio Cells with a docker image or a DOckerfile to build it for the ARM64 architecture.
Arm64 Architecture is more and more important for server CPU, desktop CPU and mobile CPU.
It is energy efficient and very powerful.
There is a global trend to arm64 architecture also because of artifical intelligence.
So we need a docker for Pydio Cells because the software is so nice.
A real problem is only S3 with Minio e.g. because there are a lot of issues if you want to sync with a desktop client.
Do you mean that you suggest that we add a docker image for ARM to our release processes or that you can help us providing it ?
Thanks, compliment taken.
Yes, we have heard a few issues about the Cells Sync Desktop Client from the community in December, especially when running on Windows but we had no time to dig them before the Holiday season. We’ll try to have a look at these in January.
That said, we know an ARM docker image could be useful for many use case but it is not super high in our backlog.
Could someone already suggest a good ARM base image to build upon?
It must be robust and thin and mostly be able to run a go binary.
We could then quite easily provide a first docker file and test it also on our side.