Pydio Cells 1.4.0 not working with SMB mounted

I upgraded to 1.4.1 and mounted 2 samba share folders to
outside pydio data folder

As you said when I try to create storage and workspace for a whole networks share it does not work.

Then I created a storage “test1” with folder /mnt/data/smb/data1/test1 and created a workspace pointed to that storage. It finally works and we can use network shares.

But now Pydio Cells creates .minio.sys on our network share:
It is visible and accessible on local network.

Can we get rid of that .minio.sys or at least have it one folder level before?
Like in /mnt/data/smb/.minio.sys

you cannot remove .minio.sys as it is needed for the datasources, if you want it to be inside the samba you could create your folder with another level down so that the .minio is created inside the share.

No, no.
I want it OUT of samba share.

my bad,
basically the .minio is always located at the parent folder of the datasource, you could make use of a symbolic link of the samba share inside .config/pydio/cells/data/here