I have my Cells install running successfully behind Traefik, on Docker (in swarm mode).
One persistent error which I can’t solve, though, is this:
2019-01-26T22:19:35.171Z ERROR cannot init oidc provider {"error": "oidc: issuer did not match the issuer returned by provider, expected \"https://files.example.com/auth/dex\" got \"http://cells:8080/auth/dex\""}
2019-01-26T22:19:35.171Z ERROR pydio.gateway.websocket invalid jwt received from websocket connection
This recurs every 30 seconds or so, but so far doesn’t seem to cause any obvious issues. Is this something I can (or should) fix?
My Docker environment variables:
CELLS_EXTERNAL: 'cells:8080'
traefik.enable: 'true'
traefik.backend: 'cells'
traefik.docker.network: 'webgateway'
# traefik.entrypoints: 'http'
traefik.frontend.passHostHeader: 'true'
traefik.frontend.rule: 'Host:files.example.com'
traefik.port: '8080'
All I can think of is that Traefik is failing to translate something, but I’m lost as to where to start looking for it.
Any help appreciated!