Mobile app not connecting

Just got my pydio up and running, which is great ! Awesome app !

But i got probs with android app. When registering new account, it says "invalid certification for, and when i press accept risk and continue, it flashes “Address and cert are valid, registering server…” and it just falls right back to register new account window ?

I can access it from browser just fine. Im runing it in truenas container with vanilla compose.yaml, only port changed. I also have port forward on my router from normals ports to pydio ports.

    image: pydio/cells:latest
      - '8086:8080'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - cellsdir:/var/cells
      - data:/var/cells/data
      - mysqld
      - '--character-set-server=utf8mb4'
      - '--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci'
      MYSQL_DATABASE: cells
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: P@ssw0rd
      MYSQL_USER: pydio
    image: mysql:8
    restart: unless-stopped
      - mysqldir:/var/lib/mysql
  cellsdir: {}
  data: {}
  mysqldir: {}```

I have read from the docs that “cells configure sites” should be run as user “pydio”, how do i achieve this as container does not have user pydio ?

To run the configure sites command, you have to use the user that runs the app.
In your case, you just have to log in the pydio container.

docker compose -f <your docker compose file> exec cells cells configure sites
# use the default port 8080, bind on, use self signed cert **and define an external URL**

# Then restart cells and you should be good to go
 docker compose -f <your docker compose file> restart cells

BTW, thanks for the feedback and welcome in our community :+1:

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That is correct, but if i do whoami inside container, it gives out root. But i quess thats ok then?

Yep By default, the container starts as root.

If you want to use another user, you have to build your own image:

FROM pydio/cells:4 AS cells
ARG login=pydio
ARG uid=1001

RUN adduser -H -D -u $uid $login \
  && RUN chown -R $uid:$uid /var/cells /opt/pydio
USER $login

CMD ["cells", "start"]

Ah, thats too difficult for me :slight_smile: Gotta try letsencrypt certs if they work with Android app.

Thanks :slight_smile:

That was just FYI,

The previous code is just the full docker file to build an image that starts as non root.
But it’s not compulsory at all.

Just start the way you do and run the configure site command as described above.
This should be totally fine for your use case.

Hm, i did run configure sites, reaching through web Page works fine, mobile app does not, for some reason.

for some reason.

You are probably right :slight_smile:

indeed, just cant figure out what :joy:

Managed to get it working by using letsencrypt certs :slight_smile: