How to remove deletion permision from groups on certain cells

For first post, please answer the questions below!

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I see that there is a write and read permission option for cells, but I couldn’t find a deletion. I wanted to share cells or folders with users but I don’t want the file to be deleted.

What version of Cells are you using?


What is the server OS? Database name/version? Browser name or mobile device description (if issue appears client-side)?

Fedora Workstation 39, KDE on Wayland.
DB: MariaDB 10.5.23

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I tried searching on the Pydio’s documentation and forums but I couldn’t find one


write permission includes the possibility to delete the object.

To remove the “delete” action, you can use role config. In a role (shared role in this case) > access.gateway > disable “Delete permanently” & “Delete”

Thank you so much it worked for me. Is it possible to only apply this policy to a specific cell or folder?


I have created a role to deny delete permanently, delete, and move for only shared cells. I have created my cell and created a folder inside it unfortunately I cannot delete or move the folder but I can delete the cell itself but not a folder inside it.

Help please, because of this confusion we couldn’t go further with Pydio Cells, I tried to apply as you said but it blocks cells that I create too, which shouldn’t be the case.

Did you test by creating a new Cells from a existing folder (in your Personal File, for example)? That means you have full permission on existing folder, but no delete action in another “view” - cells

@c12simple thank you for replying,
I have tried that but I still can’t delete files inside the cell I have created based on the folder existing inside the Personal File.

Here are some screenshots:


Here is the detailed explanation of what I am trying to achieve

I am trying to create cells that are shared with different departments in our small office, and I wanted to apply, all can read/access folders inside it but can not create, delete, or move. I want to assign this permission to admins or certain groups.

The other thing is, that I want each department to have its workspace to share or chat with each other, but I want the team leader to create that workspace or own the workspace, and other staff members can only create or read but not delete files inside that workspace to protect files and only the team leader can delete files

The final thing is we have branches and we wanted to create cells for them and only allow them to write and read on specific folders inside that cell, but they can create their own workspace to share files among them.

That’s what I am trying to achieve but I couldn’t find enough tutorials for users, that’s why I am asking it here. Thank you for your support

@Amanuel_Elhanan ,

That’s a complicated scenario! You are invited to upgrade to enterprise version which provides the dynamic security policy for granular security settings :slight_smile:

ow, so there is no way I can share folders or cells that another user can’t delete unless I upgrade to enterprise?

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