We have git versioning working on our system. When we pull up the “Versions” pop-up window, there are the three options: Download, Preview(Browser), Revert To… The option that doesn’t work correctly for us is the Preview (Browser). It returns a blank browser window.
Our test file is “Versioning test.docx” and when we try to preview, the blank window has the link (mildly edited with “changed”):
In the logs, this Preview action is logged as
“GET /index.php?secure_token=changedthis&get_action=git_file&attach=inline&file=Versioning%20test.docx&commit_id=changedthis HTTP/1.1” 204 -
A working option, like Download will be logged as
“GET /index.php?file=Versioning+test.docx&commit_id=changedthis&attach=download&secure_token=changedthis&get_action=git_getfile HTTP/1.1” 200 11565
Looking for any suggestions on debugging this. So far we haven’t found any logged errors. We have tried with a plain text file (in case the docx format was the cause) but Preview didn’t work with that file either.
Please provide the following tags: RPM, CentOS 7.6.1810, Pydio 8.2.3