Disable ZIP for folder and/or files?

Hi, I have the problem that people are downloading folder which contain a bunch of big files(20x 2-4gb)

I would like to turn of the option of compressing by folder, or for the whole system. I have found three Buttons to disable but non of them seem to work. how can I get this done, and is there a function to auto clean up the tmp folder?

I’m running Pydio 8.2.2. on Ubuntu 18.04

all the best!

could you tell me exactly what settings did you change and also did you clear the plugins cache?

I managed to disable the “download all” button for the external user by setting the rules in the user settings. Still not able to disable multiple selection of files.

disabling the multi selection is not really an option.
and as for

you could create a cron job on your server to do that for instance.