I just configured Pydio Cells on my Debian Bullseye server and created the admin account. But very soon I noticed that I wasn’t able to create/upload any files.
When I looked into the Console, all of the Datasources were not unreachable:
In the logs I am getting the following errors:
ERROR pydio.rest.meta Rest Error 404 {"error": "{\"id\":\"undefined\",\"code\":403,\"detail\":\"Unknown data source\",\"status\":\"Forbidden\"}"}
ERROR Could not find DataSource pydiods1 {"currentSources": []}
and finally, this one
ERROR pydio.grpc.tasks cannot run action actions.versioning.prune: Could not find DataSource pydiods1 {"OperationUuid": "prune-versions-job-cff11ac4"}
Sorry, I couldn’t link the third log file, because I am a new user
Reading your logs it seems to point to a wrong peer address on your Datasource.
Could you check if you container ID matches the id displayed in the error 44897b2343ee .
If it does not match the ID could try to edit one of your datasource and re select the peer address with the new id.
Sadly, I have removed and recreated the docker containers many times after I posted this tread. So, I cannot verify if the container IDs were correct.
But I did try to completely re-install Pydio Cells from scratch with internal URL pointing to my external domain.
But that seems to break the NGINX reverse proxy, here are the container logs for this time.
I am a little curious about why this error occurred where it wasn’t there previously:
ERROR pydio.gateway.proxy Could not run {"error": "error inspecting server blocks: [https://cloud.vasanthdeveloper.com:80] scheme and port violate convention"}
If i’m not mistaken this error is telling you that you cannot use port 80 with the scheme HTTPS, you should try with any other port or else you can try with http.
I would like to serve the user with port 80 and have TLS. Is there any specific reason this isn’t allowed?
Status Update
I have changed the image from pydio/cells:latest to linuxserver/pydio-cells:latest and those errors were gone. With minimal to no configuration I could get Pydio Cells to work.
I solved this problem. Maybe new container restarting happened this problem.
If you use docker container and official image(pydio/cells), you should set hostname.