Cells Sync does not work

I want to set up a sync between a pc and my Cells 3.0 server. But it does not work :sweat_smile:.
To begin, Cells 3.0 is installed on an ubuntu 20.04 in a Proxmox container. With Apache / MySQL. After my various tests, here is the configuration of the sites :

| # |          BIND(S)           |     TLS     | EXTERNAL URL |
| 0 | https://pydio.local:8443   | Self-signed |              |
| 1 | | Self-signed |              |
| 2 | http://pydio.local:8080      | No Tls      |              |

I am using Cells Sync 0.9.2. And when I want to sync a folder, I can’t (invalid certificate) :

So I tried in http, but the authentication part does not work (when I have the redirection on the web page, I am automatically disconnected) (with an error in the logs) :

2021-11-07T22:21:54.585+0100   ERROR   pydio.rest.frontend     Rest Error 401  {"error": "{\"id\":\"login.failed\",\"code\":401,\"detail\":\"Login failed\",\"status\":\"Unauthorized\"}"}   

I tried installing a Let’s encrypt certificate, but it didn’t work. But is it possible to make the sync work with a self-signed certificate or in http ?

Many thanks,

Hi, what’s the OS on the cells-sync side ?
When using self-signed, you would have to grab the generated root CA (under cells WORKING_DIR/certs) and install it on your client machine.
Better is to use Let’s Encrypt but you must have a proper domain name!

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Client is Windows 10.
After a few tests, it works !
It was a small thing, but just that I didn’t know how to do it.

Thank you very much for your reactivity and your help.


Thanks a lot for your question. It’s very good to know that you have resolved your problem. Basically, some days ago I have also faced this type of error. So for that reason, I researched well and found some solution which is not the same, so I am sharing all the details with you. You can check once -
In order to compile and run the Cells-Sync client, you must fulfil the following requirements:

GOLANG development toolchain properly installed (tested with 1.12 and higher)
NodeJS/NPM environment in order to compile the frontend, you need an up-to-date version of NPM (tested with node version 12.X)
Compilation instructions
Change directory to app/ux/
To load frontend dependencies run npm install
To compile the frontend, run npm run build
Basically I also want to attach this thing to my mobile erp.
To pack the frontend inside the binary (not mandatory if you are running on the same machine where $GOPATH is available), install github(dot)com/gobuffalo/packr/packr tool and run make a clean pack at the root of the repository.
Due to a dependency issue, until we switch to modules or until this dependency master is stable again, you have to apply the following before calling the make command:

cd Github(dot)com/zserge/webview
git checkout 9c1b0a888aa40039d501c1ea9f60b22a076a25ea

Compile binary by running make cli
The resulting cells-sync binary should be good to go.

Running cells-sync
Once you have downloaded or compiled cells-sync for your platform, simply run:

./cells-sync start
This both starts the system tray icon and the synchronization agent in background. To run the agent without any UX, use cells-sync start --headless.

Other available commands
Use help to display the available commands:

$ ./cells-sync --help
./cells-sync [flags]
./cells-sync [command]

Available Commands:
add Add a new task via command line
autotest Basic unidirectional sync between two local folders (under your temporary directory)
bgstart Start sync tasks from within service
capture Capture snapshots inside JSON file - do not perform any actual tasks
delete Delete existing sync via command line
edit Exit existing sync via command line
help Help about any command
service Manage service: install,uninstall,stop,start,restart
start Start sync tasks
systray Launch Systray
version Display version
webview Launch WebView

-h, --help help for ./cells-sync

Use “./cells-sync [command] --help” for more information about a command.