Cell v2 on web server not accessible from the outside

Hello dear community,

Pydio Version: linux-arm64
Debian Version: latest Buster

The server can be reached internally ->
But when I get from my domain https://pydio.s3root.ovh I get an error 522
I have try following settings:

sudo setcap ‘cap_net_bind_service=+ep’ /home/benlue/cells

internal: external: https://pydio.s3root.ovh with & without selfsigned ssl
internal: external: http://pydio.s3root.ovh with & without selfsigned ssl

Cloudflare: DNS SNI SSL ON&OFF

with & without /etc/apache2/sites-available/pydio.s3root.ovh.conf

After a long search on the Internet, I don’t know what it could be. Maybe someone here can give me a solution or some advice.

Hello @BenLue,

First I have a few questions,

  • which version of Cells are you using?
  • are you running behind a reverse proxy?
  • if yes, would you mind sharing the config.

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