I use IIS on windows server 2012
php and mysql was installed this machine
Can I install cells on it?
Hello @bcgcj,
You should be able to run Cells on your server, if you meet the requirements:
- Mysql 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3 minimum.
- 2 GB of RAM
- 2 Cores CPU
Some additional information to help you understand:
- Cells only needs a database to run.
- Cells has its own embedded WebServer so you do not need IIS
- Cells does not require php.
- If you want keep IIS running (other app),then you can for instance use it as a reverse proxy for Cells.
If you need more informations do not hesitate to post.
Thanks, zayn
it’s enough for minimum requirements.
and I install Mysql 8.0
but when I start cells, some errors were occurred and freezed on loading page
Could you give me the following info:
- Are you using a reverse proxy?
Also do you have the logs available somewhere.