Broken Pydio 6 after upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04.6 and PHP 7

Previously we have a working Pydio 6 server with the following specs:

Virtual Machine
Ubuntu – 14.04.5
PYDIO – v6.0.2
PHP – v5.5.9-1ubuntu4.29
MySQL – v.14.14 Distrib 5.5.62
phpMyAdmin – v4.3.9

There was a requirement from one of our users to have the PHP upgraded. In order to upgrade PHP, we had to upgrade the OS first and so that’s what we did. Now we have these specs:

Ubuntu – 16.04.6
PYDIO – v6.0.2
PHP – v7.0.33-8+ubuntu16.04.1
MySQL – v.14.14 Distrib 5.7.26
phpMyAdmin – v4.3.9

We can get to the phpMyAdmin (https:///phpmyadmin) but NOT to the main Pydio WebManager (https:///WebManager). We get the this error:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
message type=“ERROR”>Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found

It seems the user folders and websites are still intact but we just cannot manage Pydio anymore.

Appreciate very much any help. Thanks.

Hello, @WSIICTS,

Unfortunately, Pydio 6 was not written for PHP7, I would advise you to have a way to use php5 on the same machine (maybe a docker container with php-fpm) that would work for your Pydio 6.

Php 7 support starts with Pydio 8, my advice would be to upgrade to Pydio 8 (if you are going for this, I would advise you to make a backup/copy of your current Pydio 6 install).

Your error is pointing that you might not have php-xml or php-dom package (you could try to install it and see if it works)

dpkg -l says it’s already installed:

DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP [default]