Hi folks
Has anyone gotten pydio booster for downloads to work?
if yes, HOW? apache proxy or with the additional port (ie 8090) open?
Please share!
booster for uploads: works
booster for downloads: no.
I stumple on the:
"Blocked a frame with origin H TTPS://DOMAIN from accessing a frame with origin H TTPS://DOMAIN:8090"
problem. It seems to be by design, called “Same-origin security policy”.
I think it tries to open an iframe.
In any case, if anyone could please share a working pydiocaddy/ apacheproxy config, preferably for SSL and an installation sub folder,
The closest hit I can do is configure an apache proxy to get around the Origin-restriction.
But download still it seems not to work, as it appeares:
There is a folder created named “fake-name” and nothing happens
This folder seems only temporary. Reloading the page makes it disappear.
The pydio-booster log says: INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.309656 [pydiomiddleware] START INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.310002 [pydiomiddleware] END - took %s 144.837µs ERROR 2017/12/14 02:34:14.310092 [pydiomiddleware] Not a match INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.310172 [pydiomiddleware] START INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.310352 [pydiomiddleware] Request Job Start {https <nil> MYDOMAIN /http/ false device=upload&get_action=keystore_generate_auth_token } [] map[device:[upload] get_action:[keystore_generate_auth_token]] {token body} INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.310668 [pydiomiddleware] Node job: retrieved {1 / {0 false false false { } { false }}} from /io/1/ INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.311449 [pydiomiddleware] END - took %s 1.234433ms INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.311507 [pydiomiddleware] START INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.311707 [pydiomiddleware] Request Job Start {https <nil> MYDOMAIN /http/api/{repo}/upload/put/{nodedir} /http/api/{repo}/upload/put/{nodedir} false get_action=download&nodes%5B%5D=%2FBlackmagic_DeckLink_SDK_10.9.5-1.zip&secure_token=n6qtOSqhrY1if5EeI9OxIu1M3Il9rsIB&xhr_uploader=true } [[X-File-Direct-Upload request-options] [X-Pydio-Admin-Auth MYtokenP:MYtokenS] [X-File-Name {nodename}]] map[get_action:[download] nodes[]:[/Blackmagic_DeckLink_SDK_10.9.5-1.zip] secure_token:[n6qtOSqhrY1if5EeI9OxIu1M3Il9rsIB] xhr_uploader:[true]] {options body} ERROR 2017/12/14 02:34:14.311874 [pydiomiddleware] Could not decode to auth INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.463765 [pydiomiddleware] END - took %s 152.236612ms INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.463803 [pydiomiddleware] START INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.463887 [pydiomiddleware] Request Job Start {https <nil> MYDOMAIN /http/api/{repo}/upload/put/{nodedir} /http/api/{repo}/upload/put/{nodedir} false xhr_uploader=true } [[X-File-Direct-Upload upload-finished] [X-Pydio-Admin-Auth MYtokenP:MYtokenS] [X-File-Name {nodename}]] map[xhr_uploader:[true]] {body body} ERROR 2017/12/14 02:34:14.463993 [pydiomiddleware] Could not decode to auth INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.798302 [nsqd] TCP: new client( INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.798420 [nsqd] CLIENT( desired protocol magic ' V2' INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.799392 [pydiows] PydioWS : handler END INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.832175 [nsqd] PROTOCOL(V2): [] exiting ioloop INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.832352 [nsqd] PROTOCOL(V2): [] exiting messagePump INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.845749 [pydiomiddleware] END - took %s 381.933292ms INFO 2017/12/14 02:34:14.845784 [pydiomiddleware] got a status code 200
help is much appreciated