I am sitting here for hours following the tutorial which you provide:
There are so many errors it is a real struggle to going through that misery.
/etc/php.ini should be /etc/php/php.ini
mcrypt.so is still missing after the installation, have not figured this out. I have read that this is outdated for the newest php.
open_basedir = /srv/http/:[…]:/var/lib/pydio/
I am 99% sure, that path is wrong, because the default installation for pydio was:
This here does not exist, neither gets created during installation:
This here does not work, because the example_nginx_vhost.conf does not exists.
cp /usr/share/doc/pydio/example_nginx_vhost.conf /etc/webapps/pydio/nginx.conf
But after some scrapping, I found that .conf file in that folder. I assume you renamed it at some point?:
Well, at the moment I try to fix that mcrypt.so thing and because some paths are wrong it is just a messy guess game what to do in the configs.
Please update that tutorial. I assume the author is busy with real life, because links are all dead.
If someone can provide a step by step with a fresh arch installation I would give kudos.