After fresh install Pydio 8.2.3: Loginpage = only background img

I installed a fresh Pydio 8.2.3 into a new mySQL with a new user.
Wizard ran thru no problems and only 2 warnings:

  • PHP command line not detected. “… you can savely ignore this warning.”
  • PHP output buffer disabled “… for better performance …” so i ignored at the moment.
    Rest was all OK.

It tells me all went OK with the installation and i shall login with my created user.
well… if i browse to /pydio where i installed it, it am greeted with a quite nice background-image of Pydio, but apart from that, empty page. No login, ni text, no nothing…
It seems like Pydio is running, as i see the backgroundimage, but somehow fails to present me the login-screen.


Edit: Also, After some time, The page pops up with a inacivity-warning. Pydio seems really to be running, but somehow the login-fields are not shown…


Turn off “output_buffering = off” in php.ini is required.

Not available in my Configuration-Panel of the webhost.

Interesting! In Chrome it works. Firefox doesnt. Somebody knows why or has an idea?
I disabled all addons in Firefox like Adblock, ghostery and so on…


It works but it will not stable if output_buffering != Off (let’s try with creation of public link)
Try to contact hosting provider for a solution to turn off this param.

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