Package type: Community Edition
Server OS: Debian Jessie
Pydio version: Pydio 8.0.2
PHP Version: I tried 5.6.35, 7.0.29 and 7.1.16
Webserver: Apache 2.4.10
I have a problem with a Pydio installation. It began when user complained, that uploads aren’t working because the “files are too big”.
I investigated and found out, that when I set a breakpoint in plugins\uploader.html\js\build\UploaderModel.js at line 151 (“var queryString = undefined;”) I can see, that the variable maxUpload contains 0.
It’s because the request to index.php with the parameters
get_action: apply_check_hook
file: /testfolder/testfile.jpg
hook_name: before_create
hook_arg: 50178
secure_token: …
yields an empty resonse!!
This prevents any file from being uploaded.
Then I checked the settings at Application Parameters->Uploaders and it also says 0!
I then checked the database table “ajaxp_plugins_configs”, row “core.uploader”, downloaded the blob, and looked at it with a text editor.
It contains the last value I entered, alright!
(I cleard the plugins cache and deleted the *ser files multiple times… no luck.)
So it seems to me, that the retrieval of the config via JavaScript is broken. I even tried a fresh install reusing the old database, because I thought, that maybe my installation was somehow broken.
I’m using Docker and I created a fresh Dockerfile that uses the php:7.1-apache image. In this I install all PHP related dependencies, enable the Apache modules, mount some SMB shares locally, download Pydio, extract and move it to the html folder, add my configs and that’s it.
I can share the Dockerfile and configs if it helps.
In the meantime I fixed it by adding a new line below the “var maxUpload = …” line reading
“var maxUpload = 16*1024*1024*1024;”
which is a total hack. I’d rather fix the AJAX issues at hand, so that the settings are displayed again correctly, etc.
I also noticed this behaviour in other places, where you set a value, it gets accepted, but it doesn’t show in the UI… I don’t remember where else.
Can someone point me into the direction of a solution, please?
All the best,