Unable to launch cells after upgrading from 3.0.9 to 4.1

As it says on the tin: I ubgraded from v3 to v4 and cells won’t start. in the log I’m seeing this:

2024-09-01T07:41:41.259-0600	WARN	pydio.grpc.data.index.cellsdata	[SQL] Server does not answer yet, will retry in 10 seconds...	{"error": "Error 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"}
2024-09-01T07:41:41.261-0600	WARN	pydio.grpc.data.index.versions	[SQL] Server does not answer yet, will retry in 10 seconds...	{"error": "Error 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"}
2024-09-01T07:41:41.278-0600	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.personal	ready
2024-09-01T07:41:41.281-0600	WARN	pydio.grpc.data.index.personal	[SQL] Server does not answer yet, will retry in 10 seconds...	{"error": "Error 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"}
2024-09-01T07:41:41.284-0600	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.thumbnails	ready
2024-09-01T07:41:41.285-0600	WARN	pydio.grpc.data.index.thumbnails	[SQL] Server does not answer yet, will retry in 10 seconds...	{"error": "Error 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"}

Pydio Cells Home Edition
Version: 4.1.0
Built: 31 Jan 23 07:03 +0000
Git commit: d7276aacaea3f7c35ece7c893f4098b89bdc5d90
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Go version: go1.19.4

OS: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) x86_64
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.39-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2

I followed this guide: Pydio | Major Versions Upgrade Informations

This is where I’m stuck.

UPDATE: this just scrolled across the message stream… not sure if it’s just an escalation of the original error or it its more significant:

|2024-09-01T07:46:41.712-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Cannot init registryFromDSN|{error: Error 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES), errorVerbose: Error 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)\ngithub.com/ory/x/errorsx.WithStack\n\tgithub.com/ory/x@v0.0.368/errorsx/errors.go:38\ngithub.com/ory/hydra/driver.glob..func1\n\tgithub.com/ory/hydra@v1.11.10/driver/registry_sql.go:50\ngithub.com/ory/hydra/driver.(*RegistrySQL).Init\n\tgithub.com/ory/hydra@v1.11.10/driver/registry_sql.go:100\ngithub.com/ory/hydra/driver.NewRegistryFromDSN\n\tgithub.com/ory/hydra@v1.11.10/driver/registry.go:75\ngithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/auth.createSqlRegistryForConf\n\tgithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/auth/registry.go:332\ngithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/auth.InitRegistry.func1\n\tgithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/auth/registry.go:120\nsync.(*Once).doSlow\n\tsync/once.go:74\nsync.(*Once).Do\n\tsync/once.go:65\ngithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/auth.InitRegistry\n\tgithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/auth/registry.go:118\ngithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/idm/oauth/grpc.init.0.func1.1\n\tgithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/idm/oauth/grpc/plugins.go:90\ngithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/service.WithGRPC.func1.1\n\tgithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/service/grpc.go:42\ngithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/service.(*service).Start\n\tgithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/service/service.go:213\ngithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/server.(*server).Serve.func2.1\n\tgithub.com/pydio/cells/v4/common/server/server.go:110\ngolang.org/x/sync/errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1\n\tgolang.org/x/sync@v0.0.0-20220907140024-f12130a52804/errgroup/errgroup.go:75\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1594}|
|2024-09-01T07:46:41.713-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|panic while starting service|{p: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference}|


from your log, you have a mysql password issue.

Our guess:

you have configured the service to run with a specific user (usually the pydio ) user, and you tried to start the server manually from the command line using the wrong user e.G.:
root@host:~$ cells start

Or something similar.
This kind of errors should not be bound to the upgrade per say.

If this is not the issue, we need more info to be able to help.

That said, another warning:
you should really take the latest patch from the major when you update (as we write this the v4.4.4 ), we regularly fix things and update third party libraries to avoid bugs and security issues. So if you already took the step to upgrade to v4, take the latest one.

I’m running cells manually from CLI to try to isolate the problem… That said, I’m logged in with the pydio user (the user configured to run cells). Also, I did have to force change the password for the db because the documented password did not work. I also ran cells configure (again from the pydio account) to set the password… same errors.

So I have to assume that’s the source of my woes. So if cells configure (ran as the pydio user) doesn’t update the password… where do I need to update the sql password for cells?

Alright, I sorted the sql login issue (located the password change in bash history)

Still not starting, now THIS is in the log:

|2024-09-03T06:19:48.006-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!
|2024-09-03T06:19:48.010-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|
|2024-09-03T06:19:58.006-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!|
|2024-09-03T06:19:58.009-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|
|2024-09-03T06:20:08.005-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!|
|2024-09-03T06:20:08.009-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|
|2024-09-03T06:20:16.909-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.tasks|Run Job flush-mailer-queue on timer event Iso8601Schedule:R/2012-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00/PT5M|
|2024-09-03T06:20:18.006-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!|
|2024-09-03T06:20:18.009-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|
|2024-09-03T06:20:28.005-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!|
|2024-09-03T06:20:28.009-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|
|2024-09-03T06:20:38.005-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!|
|2024-09-03T06:20:38.009-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|
|2024-09-03T06:20:48.006-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!|
|2024-09-03T06:20:48.009-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|
|2024-09-03T06:20:58.006-0600|INFO|pydio.grpc.oauth|Detected HydraJwkMigration - We are migrating from a v3 version - You may be disconnected after that!|
|2024-09-03T06:20:58.010-0600|ERROR|pydio.grpc.oauth|Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.|

pretty much just that.

I already followed the instructions here to no avail.
After about 5 or 10 minutes of just the error above cells just closes.

This looks like a common issue when upgrading from v3 to v4 - most probably resulting from a export/import of a DB dump when maintaining your cell Server.

You have some more explanations and a strategy to fix this in the v4 release note:

Could you please have a look and let us know ?