Suggestion to Support Hidden Files

Pydio is an excellent product that stands out among many similar products I have tried. However, I have found that Pydio does not support hidden files (files or folders starting with a dot), which are very common in macOS and Linux. These are usually configuration files, including some invalid files. In my use case, I back up certain mobile app data to Pydio, but Pydio does not manage them, and I don’t even know if the files are saved in it.

I suggest that Pydio support hidden files and correspondingly add custom filtering rules, similar to other synchronization software, so that users can define files to ignore themselves.

Apologies for the previous content being translated through AI, I hope you can understand my intentions.


Pydio is an excellent product that stands out among many similar products I have tried.

:+1: thanks for the feedback, it always cheers the team up!

For hidden files, it was kind of a shortcut that we took when we were only having structured datasource and it hasn’t evolve since.
There might be something to do with the flat DS, but with our current dead lines, we won’t have the time to look at it this year.

Maybe you can come back in a few months if you still need this and we might then open an enhancement request in github.

Kind Regards!

Thank you for your response. I will continue to wait, and for now, I am still using Pydio and have set up a WebDAV service to meet my needs. By the way, I would like to report two interesting bugs (in the current situation where hidden files are not supported):

  1. By simply renaming an existing file in WebDAV to a hidden file name starting with a dot, it can still be saved in the file system, but it will not appear in the Pydio management interface.
  2. Using the method above, even though the hidden folder is not visible in the Pydio management interface, it can still be accessed by modifying the URL address, for example:, this will take you into the hidden folder, and at this point, if you return to the parent level, the .test folder will be displayed (of course, it disappears again after refreshing the page).