Pydio Cells Docker - 0 byte zip files when compressing documents

I installed Pydio Cells latest docker image as follows:

(Run once) docker network create my-network
docker run --rm -d -v z:\docker\mysql:/var/lib/mysql --name mysql-server --network my-network -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret mysql:5.7
docker run -d -e PYDIO_LOGS_LEVEL=production -e CELLS_EXTERNAL=localhost:8080 -e CELLS_BIND=localhost:8080 -v z:\docker\pydio:/root/.config/pydio/ --name pydio --rm --network my-network -d -p 8080:8080 pydio/cells

Once installed, I created a new empty document.
I try to compress the document then it just becomes a 0 byte zip file.
The log shows:

{"level":"info","ts":"2019-01-23T01:08:44Z","logger":"pydio.grpc.tasks","msg":"Run Job compress-folders-6e1a94ec-1eab-11e9-a5c5-0242ac120003 on timer event <nil>"}
{"level":"error","ts":"2019-01-23T01:08:45Z","logger":"pydio.grpc.tasks","msg":"Recovered scheduler task","task":"ID:\"compress-folders-6e1a94ec-1eab-11e9-a5c5-0242ac120003\" Label:\"Compressing Selection...\" Owner:\"admin\" Languages:\"en-us\" AutoStart:true AutoClean:true Actions:<ID:\"actions.archive.compress\" NodesSelector:<Pathes:\"personal/admin/Untitled Document.pptx\" Collect:true > Parameters:<key:\"format\" value:\"zip\" > Parameters:<key:\"target\" value:\"personal/admin/Untitled\" > > MaxConcurrency:1 "}
{"level":"error","ts":"2019-01-23T01:08:45Z","logger":"pydio.grpc.tasks","msg":"Recovered scheduler task","task":"ID:\"compress-folders-6e1a94ec-1eab-11e9-a5c5-0242ac120003\" Label:\"Compressing Selection...\" Owner:\"admin\" Languages:\"en-us\" AutoStart:true AutoClean:true Actions:<ID:\"actions.archive.compress\" NodesSelector:<Pathes:\"personal/admin/Untitled Document.pptx\" Collect:true > Parameters:<key:\"format\" value:\"zip\" > Parameters:<key:\"target\" value:\"personal/admin/Untitled\" > > MaxConcurrency:1 ","error":"runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference"}

i reproduced your case but i couldn’t get the error to happen,
when i zip a file i have a 19KB .zip, and the logs do not show an error

{"level":"info","ts":"2019-01-23T08:29:17Z","logger":"pydio.grpc.tasks","msg":"Run Job compress-folders-f909d317-1ee8-11e9-979d-0242ac120002 on timer event <nil>"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2019-01-23T08:29:18Z","logger":"","msg":"CreateNode","RemoteAddress":"","UserAgent":"grpc-go/1.12.0-dev","ContentType":"application/grpc","HttpProtocol":"HTTP/1.1","node":"Uuid:\"b13926ce-133c-43ef-b540-bd54a4b045eb\" Path:\"admin/Untitled\" Type:LEAF Size:19453 MTime:1548232157 Mode:511 Etag:\"6cf3231df38904caf6d101a842c1dc32-1\" "}

This should be the message appearing when you zip, could you verify your cells version (settings > upgrade),
and also would you mind testing without volumes.

Thanks for checking this out zayn.

I tried it again with a new install, with and without volumes.

docker run -d -e PYDIO_LOGS_LEVEL=production -e CELLS_EXTERNAL=<external IP>:8080 -e CELLS_BIND= --name pydio --rm --network my-network -d -p 8080:8080 pydio/cells


docker run -d -e PYDIO_LOGS_LEVEL=production -e CELLS_EXTERNAL=<external IP>:8080 -e CELLS_BIND= -v z:\docker\pydio1:/root/.config/pydio/ --name pydio --rm --network my-network -d -p 8080:8080 pydio/cells

This time I can create the zip archive on both instances with and without volumes but when I download the file and try to extract it with WinRAR, the file in the zip archive has no name and cannot be extracted. I can see the filename in 7zip and can extract it.

Another problem I noticed is when I select the compress option on the zip archive, the screen goes grey and nothing happens. I have to reload the browser tab to get out of it.