Pydio Amazon S3 custom server

I trying to integrate S3fs into Pydio to use my own storage servers (so not amazon). Accessing an s3fs mount as local filesystem from Pydio is malfunctioning, there are bunch of commands like ls which doesnt work on it therefore I must use the aws-sdk to interface with it from pydio.

The problem is that from the Amazon SDK it’s only possible to select Amazons own servers through a region drop down list. To complicate things I also need to use proxy to access my own s3 storage.

Did anyone manage to implement this?

Using just the amazon Sdk how would this look like from php?

What I tried:



    use Aws\S3\S3Client;

        if (!in_array("s3", stream_get_wrappers())) {
            $wrapper = new aS3StreamWrapper();
            $wrapper->register(array('protocol' => 's3',
                  'http' => array(
                      'proxy' => 'proxy://',
                      'request_fulluri' => true,
                  'acl' => AmazonS3::ACL_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL,
                  'key' => "<key>",
                  'secretKey' => "<secret>",
                  'region' => "s3.myprivatecloud.lan"));

As per Pydio website, Pydio 8 is no longer maintained.
“[…] As Pydio PHP version is end-of-life since 31/12/2019, running it in production on your servers may represent a security risk for your company! […] Please stop using this, you are already at risk.”

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