Problem with Android client

Where would be the best place to report Android client bugs?

I have found a small one. If I:

  • Upload a file to Pydio Cells
  • Tap on it in the Android client

The file is downloaded and opened.

I now update the file in the web interface (I upload a new version with the same name: for example, delete the original one and upload one with the same name)

  • The Android Pydio Cells client correctly shows that the file has been updated recently, showing the right update time
  • If I tap on it, however, the cached version is used, the file is not downloaded again
  • The “Clear workspace cache” in the sidebar seems not to work…

I am using the current version of the “Pydio Cells” Android client

Thanks for your help

This seems solved for me in the latest version of the Pydio Cells App (Android)

Thank you!


Hi @valmar ,
glad that it worked out,
would you mind rating us on the playstore it would be helpful.


Watch out : I think that most of the reviews are so negative because the app is not prompting for permissions, and they must be activated manually. This is beyond the skill of a basic user, I think. This makes the app not functional for them

If you fix this, the I believe that the ratings will improve


thank you for the feedback, i’ll send it to the android dev, we could make it more user friendly.

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