My latest attempt:
internal bind:
external bind: (used my real ip in config)
Result is the same…
During the initial command line installation process, should the database be populated before your first visit to the website? I would imagine it would be during the CLI install, however mine is still empty after install. The connection is correct and the install process says it can connect.
This is on a new install of ubuntu server 18.04
This also includes a LAMP stack, and port 8080 taken by another service
Could you confirm me that you did this, ulimit -n 8192.
Now, let’s try 2 configurations to figure out where the issue might be located.
Assuming that you can access/ping your machine if you are on the same network.
Case 1
First we are going to try with your private address for instance in my case it’s,
External Host (used to access this machine from outside world if it differs from Bind Host):
You should be able to finish your installation, then on your browser(if connected on same network) visit
Case 2
Now second case public address for instance let’s say that my public address is
External Host (used to access this machine from outside world if it differs from Bind Host):
You should be able to finish your installation, then on your browser go on
Extra case
If you have a domain name registered on your public IP,
you can reproduce the 2 case by only replacing the part, keep the port the same for both internal & external.
You said that there is no record of anything in the database,
could you test it with a different database, for instance mariadb, you could pull a container docker run -it -d --name database -p 3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mariadb:latest
It’s binded on a different port so that it will not interfere with your database, just make sure that when you install your pydio cells, on the database step to put your servers IP for host and 3307 for the port ( password is root for testing purposes).
All attempts have lead to the same error. At this point there has to be something missing from the requirements portion of this software. This has happened with two separate installs of Ubuntu 18.04.
I’m about to give up on this as a solution.
I have used my loopback as my internal address (this has been in the form of localhost:8888,, and
There is no access to local network, this is common for dedicated servers. This is not a server being held in my own house, it’s a dedicated server provided by a company.
I have used my TLD and IP as my external address (, and
This resulted in the same error and noted above
I have used my loopback on both internal and external bind to then tunnel in to get it to work (,, and localhost:8888)
Same issue as before
What am I missing here?
I am willing to do an ssh screen session with some official support rep, provided they can provide their public key.
Edit: Moved over to MariaDB
10.3.11-MariaDB-1:10.3.11+maria~bionic - binary distribution
Ended in same error, After initial install, no data was populated.
sorry for the delay,
would you mind running this command curl and telling me if the ip resulted from this command is different than this one?
I know that i seem repetitive on this point but i want to be sure about another detail.
i had a feedback from one of our devs that tested on OVH and here’s why there might be an issue with your OVH server:
Simply note that due to the use of Micro and the chosen registry / messaging system (see above), you must have a private local network interface for the system to run. It is usually the case by default on all servers, but on some cheap VPS (typically hosted by OVH) you have to explicitely add a virtual interface
could you tell me the informations that you provided during the installation process,
also is it a vps, selfhosted server or anything else i would like to know the setup.
I installed cells on VPS (KVM), and installation process as below.
But database is empty…
$ /usr/local/pydio/cells install
[Configs] Upgrading: setting default config services/pydio.grpc.auth/dex/issuer to /auth/dex
[Configs] successfully saved config after upgrade - Reloading from source
**Welcome to Pydio Cells Home Edition installation**
Pydio Cells Home Edition will be configured to run on this machine. Make sure to prepare the following data
- IPs and ports for binding the webserver to outside world
- MySQL 5.6+ (or MariaDB equivalent) server access
Pick your installation mode when you are ready.
✔ Command line (performed in this terminal)
Cannot find vaultKeyPath, creating new one /srv/pydio/.config/pydio/cells/cells-vault-key
Warning! A keyring is not found on this machine,
A Master Key has been created for cyphering secrets
It has been stored in /srv/pydio/.config/pydio/cells/cells-vault-key
Please make sure to secure this file and update the configs
with its new location, under the defaults/keyPath key.
✔ localhost:8080
**✔** **External Host (used to access this machine from outside world if it differs from Bind Host):**
✔ Disable SSL (not recommended)
**## Database Connection**
✔ Socket
**✔** **Socket File:** /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
**✔** **Database Name:** cells
**✔** **Database User:** pydio
**✔** **Database Password (leave empty if not needed):** ********************************
✔ Successfully connected to the database
**## Frontend Configuration**
**✔** **Admin Login (leave passwords empty if an admin is already created):** mzch
**✔** **Admin Password:** ********************************
**✔** **Confirm Password:** ********************************
**## Advanced Settings**
**✗** **There are some advanced settings for ports and initial data storage. Do you want to edit them:**
**## Performing Installation**
2019-01-11T11:07:52.273-0500 INFO Starting installation now {"bindUrl": "http://localhost:8080"}
✔ Created main database
✔ Created default datasources
✔ Configuration of gateway services
✔ Creation of logs directory
✔ **Installation Finished: please restart with '/usr/local/pydio/cells start' command**
if selecting Browser-based, cells crashed by the same cause, SIGSEGV.
I read the source code on cells checks whether there is an interface with a private IP or not around 47-49 in extractor.go. As a result, if the machine doesn’t have any private IPs like my VPS, func extractAddress() returns error, and func genSrv() returns nil, but func Init() in service.go does not check a returned value, so it causes Segmentation Fault. This is an obvious bug.
Perhaps, updating micro/go-web to the latest if possible, this bug might be fixed.
Pydio Cells Home Edition will be configured to run on this machine. Make sure to prepare the following data
IPs and ports for binding the webserver to outside world
MySQL 5.6+ (or MariaDB equivalent) server access
Pick your installation mode when you are ready.
Browser-based (requires a browser access)
External Host (used to access this machine from outside world if it differs from Bind Host):
Disable SSL (not recommended)
About to launch browser install, install URLs:
2019-01-16T12:37:30.251+0700 INFO Extracted 59 files for a total size of 12438856
2019-01-16T12:37:31.258+0700 INFO started
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0xf8b90a]