No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Hello, i am running Pydio on docker with reverse proxy from 8080 to https://fqdn

this is my docker-compose alternative file which my saas uses it to covert to docker-compose file

captainVersion: 4
    # Pydio
        image: pydio/cells:$$cap_pydio_version
            CELLS_LOG_LEVEL: 'production'
            CELLS_BIND: ':8080'
            CELLS_NO_TLS: '1'
            CELLS_EXTERNAL: https://$$cap_appname.$$cap_root_domain
            - $$cap_appname-data:/var/cells/data
            - $$cap_appname-cellsdir:/var/cells
            containerHttpPort: '8080'
    # MariaDB
        image: mariadb:$$cap_mariadb_version
            MYSQL_DATABASE: $$cap_mariadb-db
            MYSQL_USER: $$cap_mariadb-user
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: $$cap_mariadb-pass
            - $$cap_appname-mariadb-data:/var/lib/mysql
            notExposeAsWebApp: 'true'
        - id: $$cap_pydio_version
          label: Pydio Version
          defaultValue: '2.2.8'
          description: Checkout their docker page for the valid tags
          validRegex: /^([^\s^\/])+$/
        - id: $$cap_mariadb_version
          label: MariaDB Version
          defaultValue: '10.6.1'
          description: Checkout their docker page for the valid tags
          validRegex: /^([^\s^\/])+$/
        - id: $$cap_mariadb-db
          label: MariaDB Database
          description: Database name for Pydio
          defaultValue: 'pydio'
        - id: $$cap_mariadb-user
          label: MariaDB User
          description: Database User for Pydio
          defaultValue: 'pydio'
        - id: $$cap_mariadb-pass
          label: MariaDB database user password
          description: Super secret database user password
        start: >-
            Pydio Cells is the nextgen file sharing platform for organizations. It is a full rewrite of the Pydio project using the Go language following a microservice architecture.
        end: >-
            Aaaand you're done! 😄
            Your service is available at https://$$cap_appname.$$cap_root_domain
            Don't forget to enable HTTPS !
    displayName: ''
    isOfficial: true
    description: Privacy-conscious file sharing platform that connects all your teams in one place.
    documentation: Taken from

its working fine
now i installed the Cells sync client

connected my account
but when i try to select a folder path, i get the following error

all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp 135.**.**.36:39793: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."

i thought it was a port issue, so i opened port binded port 39793:39793
but then pydio wont work

How can fix this issue ?

Hello @Teal_c ,

Could you tell me which reverse proxy are you using ?

Your configuration seems right, the requirement for cells-sync are:

  • to have TLS enabled (you seem to have the requirement on)

It could be related to your reverse-proxy config you have to proxy the grpc also,
Take a look at this article (about nginx) it should give you more hints

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Also from your config file, it seems like you are trying to use MariaDB 10.6.
We have never tested it with Cells (to be honest, I was not aware it was out, but we will check)

Could you please already quickly try with an older version (most of the known installs use 10.3 and 10.4) ?

Thanks grpc was the fix !