Missing panel for PHP configuration in latest pydio cells docker version [Solved]

I am trying to install Pydio cells using docker (specifically docker compose).
I created a Pydio Cells docker container, a database container, and a phcontainer. However, when I try to install Pydio cells, the panel called “PHP-FPM Detection” is not present (The one that appears in the screenshot here: https://github.com/pydio/cells/issues/2 ). I see the “Database connection” and then the “PHP-FPM Detection” directly.

If I go on with the installation, Pydio Cells does not start because it cannot find the frontend.

Does anyone how can I configure the docker container to find PHP-FPM?

Thank you!

if you are using docker compose you can actually just put the name of the php-fpm container and the port and it should be detected, could you try with that?

Thank you for your answer.

Yes, I will try that, but where should I put the container and the port? I don’t have the “PHP-FPM Detection” panel. Should it be in the docker compose file?

I am using this docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/pydio/cells/


i forgot to tell you but our latest container is the new cells with only go,
there is no more php.

Thank you once again for your quick support.

But then, what is this container for: https://hub.docker.com/r/pydio/cells-php-fpm/ ?

I followed the instruction there and my docker-compose file looks like this (abridged):


container_name: pydiodb

image: mariadb:10.3

restart: always




  • MYSQL_USER=pydio



  • mysqld

  • –character-set-server=utf8mb4

  • –collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci


  • /opt/appdata/pydiodb:/var/lib/mysql


container_name: pydiophp

image: pydio/cells-php-fpm:1.0.0

restart: always


  • /opt/appdata/pydio/:/root/.config/pydio/


container_name: pydiocells

image: pydio/cells:1.2.0

restart: always


  • /opt/appdata/pydio/:/root/.config/pydio/


  • TZ=Europe/Berlin

  • CELLS_BIND=:8080




  • traefik.enable=true

  • traefik.backend=pydiocells

  • traefik.frontend.rule=Host:

  • traefik.port=8080


  • 8080


  • pydiodb

  • pydiophp

The setup goes perfectly, but at the end when I try to start Pydio Cells it hangs at the ‘Login’ screen and the log tells me that the frontend was not found.

Maybe the error is not related to PHP?

Thank you so much for your help. The support for Pydio looks superb!


for these values you need something like <ip>:<port> or <domain name>:<port>, the php-fpm is useless starting with pydio cells 1.2.0 php is gone and with the latest tag you should get 1.2.1, for traefik i’m not really familiar with it.

This must be a configuration error.

Thanks I will try updating the version and changing the version to 1.2.1


what you could do if it still does not work is,
docker logs <the cells container> and then refresh the front so that i have an idea about the error.

Uhm, I get the same error discussed here:


“error”: “cannot create storage without CA URL”

Thank you so much for all your help

If I try the workaround described in the issue report, I end up with the following error:

“error”: “Invalid database url”

This is strange, because if the url of the database was wrong, shouldn’t the database setup fail during installation?


Here is the complete last part of my docker-compose logs

Thanks again for your help!

2018-11-07T16:02:55.108Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.update	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:55.162Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:55.171Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.chat	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:55.257Z	ERROR	pydio.grpc.config	Could not run 	{"error": "Invalid database url"}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:55.616Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.meta	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:55.699Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.user-key	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:56.069Z	INFO	pydio.web.statics	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:56.110Z	INFO	pydio.gateway.proxy	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:56.189Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.acl	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:56.477Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.user-meta	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:56.477Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.user-meta	Inserting default namespace for metadata
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:57.039Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.policy	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:57.214Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.policy	Inserted default policies
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:57.886Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.objects.local1	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:57.888Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.objects.local1	Starting objects service local1
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:57.959Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.tasks	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.033Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.tree	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.093Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.pydiods1	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.139Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.cellsdata	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.144Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.personal	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.392Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.mailer	Starting mailer with queue 'boltdb'
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.392Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.mailer	Starting mailer with sender 'smtp'
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.393Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.mailer	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.393Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.mailer	Registering default job for consuming mailer queue
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.419Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.workspace	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.427Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:58.448Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data-key	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:02:59.146Z	INFO	pydio.gateway.websocket	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.007Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.timer	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.010Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.timer	Registering Job	{"job": "archive-changes-job"}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.010Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.timer	Registering Job	{"job": "flush-mailer-queue"}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.010Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.timer	Registering Job	{"job": "internal-prune-jobs"}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.062Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.activity	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.062Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.activity	Registering default job for creating activities digests
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.106Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.versions	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.106Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.versions	Inserting default versioning policies
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.139Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:00.453Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.changes	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:01.444Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	Created default role Root Group
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:01.468Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	 - Policies added for role Root Group
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:01.539Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.user	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:01.548Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.user	Initialization: creating admin user: admin
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:02.285Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.personal	2018-11-07T16:03:02.285Z	INFO	Creating root node in index 
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:02.291Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.personal	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:02.658Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.cellsdata	2018-11-07T16:03:02.657Z	INFO	Creating root node in index 
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:02.663Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.cellsdata	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:02.815Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.pydiods1	2018-11-07T16:03:02.815Z	INFO	Creating root node in index 
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:02.819Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.pydiods1	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:04.074Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.search	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:05.010Z	INFO	pydio.gateway.data	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:05.085Z	INFO	pydio.gateway.dav	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:05.363Z	INFO	pydio.gateway.wopi	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:06.248Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:06.248Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	Inserting pruning job for revoked token and reset password tokens
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.254Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	config using log level: debug
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.254Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	config issuer:
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.304Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.pydiods1	Create job to start datasource resync
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.308Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.tasks	Run Job resync-ds-pydiods1 on timer event <nil>
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.334Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	config storage: 
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.334Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	config static client: cells-front
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.334Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	config connector: pydio
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.334Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	config response types accepted: [code token id_token]
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.334Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	config id tokens valid for: 10m0s
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.337Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	keys expired, rotating
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.346Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.cellsdata	Create job to start datasource resync
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.354Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.tasks	Run Job resync-ds-cellsdata on timer event <nil>
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.355Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.personal	Create job to start datasource resync
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.360Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.tasks	Run Job resync-ds-personal on timer event <nil>
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.420Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.pydiods1	Listing all S3 objects for path	{"bucket": "pydiods1", "path": ""}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.423Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.pydiods1	Opening Indexation Session 9dc5acbc-e2a6-11e8-98ea-0242c0a8900f
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.426Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.pydiods1	Closing Indexation Session 9dc5acbc-e2a6-11e8-98ea-0242c0a8900f
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.427Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.pydiods1	Sent all events event on topic
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.476Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.personal	Opening Indexation Session 9dcdd530-e2a6-11e8-bba6-0242c0a8900f
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.477Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.personal	Closing Indexation Session 9dcdd530-e2a6-11e8-bba6-0242c0a8900f
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.474Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.personal	Listing all S3 objects for path	{"bucket": "personal", "path": ""}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.481Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.cellsdata	Opening Indexation Session 9dce8148-e2a6-11e8-a700-0242c0a8900f
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.482Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.cellsdata	Closing Indexation Session 9dce8148-e2a6-11e8-a700-0242c0a8900f
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.479Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.sync.cellsdata	Listing all S3 objects for path	{"bucket": "cellsdata", "path": ""}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.483Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.cellsdata	Sent all events event on topic
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.485Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.data.index.personal	Sent all events event on topic
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.839Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	keys rotated, next rotation: 2018-11-07 22:03:07.837491873 +0000 UTC
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:07.839Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.auth	listening (http) on
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:09.453Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.changes	Installing Default Job for Changes Resync
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:09.695Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	Role [admin role] has been updated	{"MsgId": "53", "RoleUuid": "632b9a08-7372-406b-94ef-c3e5373cf99a"}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:09.695Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.user	Initialization: creating s3 anonymous user
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:09.707Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	 - ACLS set for role Root Group
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:09.709Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	Created default role Administrators
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:09.713Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	 - Policies added for role Administrators
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.263Z	INFO	pydio.rest.mailer	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.303Z	INFO	pydio.rest.policy	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.316Z	INFO	pydio.rest.log	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.337Z	INFO	pydio.rest.frontend	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.341Z	INFO	pydio.rest.user-meta	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.375Z	INFO	pydio.rest.search	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.375Z	INFO	pydio.rest.role	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.378Z	INFO	pydio.rest.changes	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.413Z	INFO	pydio.rest.update	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.975Z	INFO	pydio.rest.acl	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:10.988Z	INFO	pydio.rest.tree	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:11.042Z	INFO	pydio.rest.graph	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:11.120Z	INFO	pydio.rest.jobs	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:11.161Z	INFO	pydio.rest.workspace	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:11.172Z	INFO	pydio.rest.activity	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:11.181Z	INFO	pydio.rest.meta	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:11.209Z	INFO	pydio.rest.user	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:12.233Z	INFO	pydio.rest.share	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:15.249Z	INFO	pydio.rest.auth	started
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:17.796Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	Role [pydio.anon.user role] has been updated	{"MsgId": "53", "RoleUuid": "e0d43024-9df9-44c2-bfa6-b0cdebbb9aef"}
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:17.811Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	 - ACLS set for role Administrators
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:17.812Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	Created default role External Users
pydiocells       | 2018-11-07T16:03:17.815Z	INFO	pydio.grpc.role	 - Policies added for role External Users

there is this post with a configuration that seems to be working, take a look and see if you have something missing.

@zayn Thank you so much for helping me trying to get Pydio to run

With the setup in your link, I still get the following error:

Could not run 	{"error": "Invalid database url"}

At this point, I am starting to think that it is not a Traefik problem, but a database configuration one.

  • The first thing is that I use mariadb, while the link uses mysql. This could be the problem. But this other person also uses mariadb and it works for him: https://gist.github.com/bschulz87/fc1f6968ea97b1c034bfa4811b35e17d

  • Second, I don’t create any database before starting. Is this ok?

  • Third, when I configure pydio, I use: TCP / Hostname: pydiodb (Like this, no http:/) / Port 3306 / Database name: cells / Database User: root / Database Password: <MY SQL ROOT PASSWORD> . Does this look ok to you? The panel accepts my entries and goes forward, so I thought it was ok

Thanks again, I am really keen to get this to run!


Yes Cells will create automatically a database if there is none (using the database name that you will give),

if you have launched the database in a docker compose so yes, just the name of the container pydiodbshould be good (if you want to be sure you can put the <ip serv where the container runs> (assuming that the port 3306 is exposed, as long as there is no error it means that pydio could connect to the database and create the tables,(you can make sure if you want by looking at the database)

so to resume all of the above, it could either be that there was an issue whne connecting to the db(if you have another db or one installed on your server try with it and if it works then we know where to look).

Thanks! Is it enough to expose it, right, like so?

  - 3306

Not to map it to the host, like so, right?

  - 3306

In a docker compose you can do it like this

      - 3306:3306

Uhm, I discovered that the url error was caused by the fact that my database passwords contains symbols. Strange! Anyway, after I started to use an alphanumeric only password, the error disappeared.

However. pydio cells still does not start. It is stil stuck on the ‘loading’ page, but with no errors. I tested it with Firefox and Chrome

Thank you again!


ay!!!.. I got it to work now!!!

I followed the advice from Berdinox from issue 19 on Github

And used a database password without symbols!!

Thank you again so much!!
