Since upgrading from v1 to v2, the login page and user homepage logos have disappeared, when trying to re-upload them using the console > plugin > Client plugin interface, it fails and we get this from the cells.log
Error while deleting in s3 global_binaries.2195324b-895.png
{“error”: “The specified bucket does not exist”}
Error while deleting existing binary
{“Node”: {“Path”: “pydio-binaries/global_binaries.2195324b-895.png”}, “error”: “The specified bucket does not exist”}
Rest Error 500
{“error”: “The specified bucket does not exist”}
Previously, in v1, the images for those were in a binaries folder and not pydio-binaries, please advise on what can be done to fix it.
Hey @zayn, could you be more specific as of what part you wanna see? Perhaps you could tell me the path within Pydio.json of what you require to troubleshoot. Since there is no “datasource” per say root element.
Sorry for reviving this moribund topic… but I have the exact issue, and while I’m quite sure it has to do with the way the folders are organised, I need some idea to figure out how they are supposed to look like (@zayn’s pastebin has expired).
To @YannickGagnon — I can detect some inconsistency between, say, the personal bucket, which has a relative path ("folder": "/datastore/pydio-data/personal"), while the pydiods1 bucket has an absolute path ("folder": "/home/pydio/.config/pydio/cells/data/pydiods1"). I’m not sure that this can be configured that way; AFAIK, all paths mentioned here have to be absolute.
Alas! In my own case, all my paths are absolute, all are pointing to the correct place, but none are being found by cells — all throw the infamous “error”: “The specified bucket does not exist”, and, as a consequence, I can’t even log in to fix the configuration… when I switch over to the Cells Console menu option (, this is what I get:
While this is interesting by itself (in the sense that it shows that the Console/Settings is just another folder, rendered differently) it’s not really very helpful…