Help with manual indexing speed?

I’m running Ubuntu Server 18.04.3 with Pydio-core 8.2.3. It’s an older system, a Dell Poweredge SC1425 with 16GB RAM and 2 older 2-core CPUs. For the most part it works great, I use it a ton!

That being said, I’m having trouble with indexation. Indexing is astonishingly slow, and triggers every time I load a workspace, and spikes my server CPU an immense amount.

Following some troubleshooting steps, I saw a recommendation to perform a manual index from the php command line. This is the command I’m using while su’d to www-data (my apache user):

php /usr/share/pydio/cmd.php -u=MyUser -p='MyPassword' -r=mma -a=index

I’m doing an MMA workspace (I used to be a videographer for small MMA orgs), which is a folder that is 934G consisting of 1513 files. Indexing takes DAYS. Maybe I expect that for a first index, but past that, it seems to take the same amount of time for subsequent indexes. Is that normal if the files haven’t changed?

Additionally, I have nested workspaces. MMA is actually /home/user/Videos/MMA which is presented to some users, but I personally have /home/user/ presented to me. As far as I can tell, even if MMA got indexed, it gets re-indexed when I try to load my home workspace. Is that correct?

Is there something I can do to make this more usable other than disabling indexing completely? Since browsing a repository seems to trigger indexing (correct me if I’m wrong) the system has become almost unusable as indexing is so intensive EVERY time I load a workspace.

1513 files is small number in Pydio indexation.

The index data is different for workspaces, so in this case, it will re-index

  • Try to turnoff index content if it was enabled
  • Which search engine you are working? Are you able to change to ElasticSearch (5.5, 5.6), it should be better.