Force password change on guest users after 3 months

Hi, we’ve been asked to force password changes on guest user accounts that are over three months old, I’ve looked at various ways but fear I’m out of my depth – I’ve looked at the scheduler/cron but struggling to see how I can implement anything trough the API and I can’t find many examples on how this works.

Alternatively I could set a scheduled task/cron on the server to run a php script to alter ajax_roles to update serial role on a user to add “USER_LOCK_ACTION”;s:11:“pass_change”

Would this be easier to do via SQL or use the updateRole function in RoleService.php from the core services, if so any guidance as how to would be greatly appreciated

for the task did you use this one, you just have to put a cron that will run every 3 months ( you can use cron generators to help you create it easily ) and then select in the context tab the group guest ( if you have one ) or the role.

Thank you Zayn for taking the time to reply, I’m sure the solution is in the control panel for pydio but a can’t find documentation on how to implement, so I start a task under scheduler and see there is an action called pass_change

Would you know what parameters if any I’d need?
I then assigned the context to a user, save the task and trigger/force it but it doesn’t force a password change when the user tries to login, ideally we’d like to schedule a password change from when their account was initiated.
Thanks again

so basically you want the task to launch depending on the users account creation date, i will see if it’s possible.
i mean one way would be to do a cron for each user ( but it’s pretty inefficient ) another would be to target a group or role that you have created and assigned it to every user that you want to have their password changed every 3 months by the cron task.

edit : i just realized that i forgot to put the screenshot for my earlier post

here it is

nvm i dont think that the reset password ask is the right action i will see if there’s a way

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