I all,
I have a pydio server installed through cells 2.0.1 which were working fine since last 2 days. After a reminder, I installed cells 2.0.2 through the UI interface.
Since this update, I can’t log on anymore. I get an error message:
“Could not unmarshall response with status 502: 502 bad gatway error cause: json: could not unmarshall number into Go value of type map[string]interface {}”
Here is what I can see in logs (cells.log) when I try to connect to the interface:
2020-01-17T17:15:08.860-0500 ERROR pydio.rest.frontend Got a 502 when contacting gateway - maybe it is currently restarting, wait for 11s and retry once
2020-01-17T17:15:19.941-0500 ERROR pydio.rest.frontend Rest Error 401 {“error”: “could not unmarshall response with status 502: 502 Bad Gateway\nerror cause: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go value of type map[string]interface {}”}
Not sure it could help (from caddy_errors.log):
17/Jan/2020:17:46:07 -0500 [ERROR 502 /auth/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration] dial tcp: lookup PENDING on no such host
I have try a lot’s of thing, but I can’t understand what’s wrong…
Can someone help me on this topics ?