I have Pydio Cells running behind a reverse proxy with apache, i try to connect to the server with webdav with URL https://cells.example.com/dav/ but i cannt connect…
¿I need do someting on my apache conf?
My internal URL is
My external URL is https://cells.example.com
I configure my ssl certs on my apache conf
Thanks one more time for your help 
Can you access the normal webpage and login etc?
Yes, i can do it!
I can work normally on my web interface…
Before some modifications on my apache conf i see this
Method Not AllowedUnauthorized.
I need add something to do webdav works in apache?
Thanks again for your help!
which dav “client” are you using?
I tried it in three ways, with Microsoft File explorer mapping a network drive, with a browser going to https://cells.example.com/dav/ and login ( here’s is where i see Method Not AllowedUnauthorized) , and with the cyberduck software
But any of it didnt works…
What webdav client are the recommended?
Hi Tantrum, we have reworked on WebDAV in the next version (to be released today), it should be better with all clients now. However you also have to make sure that your reverse proxy does let all http Methods and specific webdav Headers go through.
Perfect, i will try work with it tomorrow, What i need add to my apache conf to make it work?