Pydio Cells loops on Received Proxy Restart Event, Frontend Service Not Detected

I’m trying to get this setup working:

  • Cells under Docker, with docker-compose
  • Nginx as reverse proxy
  • Cloudflare on top of that, serving it under my domain, let’s say


version: '3'
    # Cells image with two named volumes for the static and for the data
        image: pydio/cells:latest
        restart: always
            - "/srv/docker/volumes/pydio/cells_home:/root/.config"
            - "mysql_socket:/var/run/mysqld/"
            - ""
            - CELLS_BIND=
            - CELLS_EXTERNAL=
            - CELLS_NO_SSL=1
        command: ['cells', 'start', '--log', 'debug']

         image: mariadb:latest
         restart: always

             MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: rootpwd
             MYSQL_DATABASE: cells
             MYSQL_USER: pydio
             MYSQL_PASSWORD: userpwd
             - "/srv/docker/volumes/pydio/mariadb:/var/lib/mysql"
             - "mysql_socket:/var/run/mysqld/"
         command: [mysqld, --character-set-server=utf8mb4, --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci]


Relevant part of nginx config, even though my problem is not the reverse proxy:

server {
    charset     utf-8;

    client_max_body_size 0;

    location / {
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host   $host:443;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port   443;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto  https;
    location /ws {
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_read_timeout 86400;

    listen 443 ssl;

    ssl_certificate /path/to/cert.pwm;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/privkey.pem;

    if ($scheme != "https") {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

I tried basically every CELLS_BIND/EXTERNAL combination (including putting my domain name on both, my domain on EXTERNAL and on BIND, on EXTERNAL and on BIND, on both, and more)

However, regardless of what I put there, the installation runs (eventually by spoofing the Host header on the client if needed, or changing the nginx config, or installing it with cells install-cli in the container), however when I start it it always loops with this output:

cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:42.392Z	DEBUG	[INFO] Reloading
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:42.393Z	DEBUG	[INFO] Reloading complete
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:42.393Z	INFO	pydio.gateway.proxy	Restart done
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:42.393Z	DEBUG	Received Proxy Restart Event
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:42.394Z	DEBUG	Received Proxy Restart Event
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:42.394Z	DEBUG	Received Proxy Restart Event
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:42.394Z	DEBUG	http: Server closed
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:25:52.394Z	DEBUG	Restarting Proxy Now
[generated caddyfile]
[...and so on]

If I try to curl /login it responds with something like “Please wait while Pydio server is starting…” and I get this output in the logs:

cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:35:59.387Z	DEBUG	[INFO] Reloading
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:35:59.388Z	DEBUG	[INFO] Reloading complete
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:35:59.389Z	INFO	pydio.gateway.proxy	Restart done
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:35:59.389Z	DEBUG	Received Proxy Restart Event
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:35:59.389Z	DEBUG	Received Proxy Restart Event
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:35:59.389Z	DEBUG	Received Proxy Restart Event
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:35:59.390Z	DEBUG	http: Server closed
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:02.360Z	DEBUG	Loading messages for es-es	{"m": 2425, "conf": 668}
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:02.658Z	DEBUG	Loading messages for it	{"m": 2425, "conf": 668}
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:02.971Z	DEBUG	Loading messages for pt-br	{"m": 2425, "conf": 668}
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.298Z	DEBUG	Loading messages for en-us	{"m": 2425, "conf": 668}
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.638Z	DEBUG	Loading messages for fr	{"m": 2425, "conf": 668}
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.987Z	DEBUG	Loading messages for de	{"m": 2425, "conf": 668}
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.ckeditor (disabled)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.libreoffice (disabled)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin action.avatar (disabled)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin (disabled)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin access.homepage (wrong access)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin access.settings (wrong access)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin access.gateway (wrong access)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.infopanel (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.codemirror (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.pdfjs (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.diaporama (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin uploader.http (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin action.compression (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.browser (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin uploader.html (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.988Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin editor.text (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.989Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:03.989Z	DEBUG	Filtering out plugin meta.simple_lock (missing dependencies)
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:04.098Z	ERROR	Error while applying modifiers to registry!	{"error": "{\"id\":\"go.micro.client\",\"code\":500,\"detail\":\"none available\",\"status\":\"Internal Server Error\"}"}
cells_1  |*PluginsPool).RegistryForStatus
cells_1  | 	/opt/teamcity/agent/work/fd94d35d44c59350/src/
cells_1  |*IndexHandler).ServeHTTP
cells_1  | 	/opt/teamcity/agent/work/fd94d35d44c59350/src/
cells_1  |*Router).ServeHTTP
cells_1  | 	/opt/teamcity/agent/work/fd94d35d44c59350/src/
cells_1  | net/http.(*timeoutHandler).ServeHTTP.func1
cells_1  | 	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3188
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:05.408Z	ERROR	Frontend Service Not Detected
cells_1  |*IndexHandler).detectFrontendService
cells_1  | 	/opt/teamcity/agent/work/fd94d35d44c59350/src/
cells_1  |*IndexHandler).ServeHTTP
cells_1  | 	/opt/teamcity/agent/work/fd94d35d44c59350/src/
cells_1  |*Router).ServeHTTP
cells_1  | 	/opt/teamcity/agent/work/fd94d35d44c59350/src/
cells_1  | net/http.(*timeoutHandler).ServeHTTP.func1
cells_1  | 	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3188
cells_1  | 2019-05-27T21:36:09.390Z	DEBUG	Restarting Proxy Now

and then it continues to loop.

What the hell am I doing wrong? I tried to read the source code to see what’s happening and I can’t figure it out.

Thank you,

By the way, full log:

This is caused by an invalid setting in pydio.json - for some reason peerAddress is invalid for your storage related services (see line 45-51 of the log).

Ignoring this service as peerAddress is not local {“name”: “”, “ip”: “fe090cf102b5”}

Without storage service most of the other services will fail too. Could be specific to docker installs (not using docker in my installations).

What is supposed to be there instead?

Should it be the IP address of the container itself? In what format?

This looks like an IPv6 IP grep’d in a weird way.

This should be a local IPv4 address (can not tell wether IPv6 is supported) or a host name that resolves to a local IPv4 address.

What is configured in your installlation?
grep -i peeraddress ~pydio/.config/pydio/cells/pydio.json

It used to be “fe090cf102b5” as you can see from the logs, at all occurrences.

I tried this so now it contains the container IP address:

“PeerAddress”: “”

It still doesn’t work, anyway. New logs with PeerAddress = container IP: