Public Link Search Option and File Count

We have made a public link live for a folder which consists of multiple files. The query is;

  1. The public link is not displaying the count of the files uploaded.

  2. We are not getting the option to enable the search field on the public domain.

Hello @acj and welcome on our community!

yet, we cannot be of much help with so little information.

Please precise your setup, your pydio version and explain more clearly your user story of point 2.

Thanks and happy file sharing

Hi @bsinou thank you for your warm welcome!

We have created a folder named certificates through the Administrator Login.
This folder consists of documents which we want to share publicly. Therefore while sharing we have enabled the Public link option.

Now when the users are accessing this link publicly. They are not getting the search option to search a particular file by name. The total number of files uploaded by us is huge. Also the file count is not shown on the portal :point_down:

Therefore as seen in the above images please can you help in enabling the search option and total file count displayed for the users accessing the public link.


Hello @acj,

that is what I feared: it is a Pydio 8 question.
As explained many times in the forum, last time by @charles here [1], we do not support anymore the community version of P8: it is now 3 years that we switched to Cells (and to be honest, I am not an expert in Pydio 8, that is older than me :slight_smile: ), so I don’t even know if this option has been implemented in the PHP version.

The only thing I can tell is that this option is there in Cells Home, at least in version 4+.

[1] Is it there a newest Community Distribution, over the 8.2.5 (2020-01-07) - #2 by charles

HI bsinou

We are evaluating the version 3 of the Cells Home at this stage and we have not found the search option. Could you point out some documents or procedure for that?


Hi and welcome to our forum.

I quickly re-checked, this option is only in v4 version , in
Admin Console >> Advanced parameter >> All Plugins >> Sharing features >> Allow Search in Mini-sites

Good news is that you can already download the RC1 and a (public) RC2 should be out next week.
We already use this version for some of our internal servers and it should be already safe enough for a home use in mononode:

We are fine-tuning distributed deployments (kubernetes…) but with a single server it is already well tested and reliable.

Happy file sharing!

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