Problem with: LDAP attribute, Mail sharing, Roles

Hello, I have a couple of problems:

1- Pydio is successfully connected to AD and loads the users, attributes (mail) and (displayName) are mapped and working. but, for some users (6-7 users), the displayname is failed to map. all the AD attributes of these users are similar to others.

2- in user panel, when a user wants to share the file with email, it say: Could Not Instantiate mail Function. but for some users it workes. the Email address of all users are correctly mapped from AD and is visible in their profile.

  1. there is no automatic role assignment configured, but some users get 1 or 2 roles automatically. I tested with cleaning the cache, but no result.


1- failure in attribute mapping was a problem with mapping rule. the new users didn’t get the displayName because the mapping was not working and old ones were getting their displayName from the old database enteries.
3. This is also because of old database information.

as a result, actually the problem is now with database or cache. it seems like when Pydio is connected to LDAP, it fetches the users with rolls assignment and attributes in a local data base. if I delete some user from database, they will be added with new and correct information.

now the question is, how should I configure the cache server for not keeping the old indormation and stay updated?

what is Pydio version you are using ?