Change Name of Installation

Hello, i’m completly new to Pydio. I have a problem changing the name of a pydio-installation. It seems to be an older one, maybe 4 years old.!!

As you can see in this image i want to change “Dateisystem Dankcwart” because the name is wrong.
It seems to be installed withaout usage of an database (is this possible?!) - and i downloaded all files via FTP and searched all items for this “Dankcwart” , found three files and renamed “Dankcwart” to “Danckwart”, uploaded the files - but the name of Pydio in the left top corner is still wrong!?

What can i do?!

Have a look to data/plugins/boot.conf/bootstrap.json.
It should be clear where pydio look for the database.
You should have something like:


obviously database driver could change accordingly to initial config …

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Sorry for the late reply romoloman, i was to busy…

In the bootstrap.json-file i#ve the following code: